After Invisalign: Do The Results Last?

Whether you are enquiring about treatment, just starting with Invisalign or you are coming to the end of wearing these removable braces, you’re probably wondering: what will my results look like and will they last?

Here in York, our expert Invisalign dentists help patients in and around the area transform their smiles through these clever, clear braces. Simple to use, comfortable to wear and easy to clean, there are so many benefits to treatment – and you’ll be amazed at your results, too. Let’s talk a bit more about your treatment and what you can expect at the end.

Wearing your Invisalign braces

Invisalign braces need between 20-22 hours of wear every single day. So while you can take them out for short comfort breaks, cleaning, and eating, you will need to commit to the treatment. You can’t take a day off from wearing your Invisalign braces, and you can’t skip having them in overnight. This is important because it’s easy to adjust to this new routine. If you don’t, you could face problems down the line and could even make the treatment take longer.

Caring for your Invisalign braces

You’ll soon get used to taking your Invisalign braces out when you eat, or when you do your dental routine. But be clear, they can be easy to lose and break. Storing them in a case when they’re not being worn (or soaked) is a good habit to get into, and can prevent disruption to your treatment.

Wearing your Invisalign retainers

At the end of your treatment, your dentist will speak to you about retainers. These are similar to Invisalign aligners and should be worn after treatment to keep the teeth in their new positions. Experts differ in opinion on how much retainers should be worn. Generally, patients transition from full-time to night-time wear. If in any doubt, speak to your dentist.

Enjoying predictable results

One of the reasons Invisalign aligners are so popular in Nottingham is that the treatment involves creating a 3D treatment plan that shows how your teeth will move over time. You’ll also get to see an image of your predicted results. And if you’re not happy with how your teeth look at the end of treatment, Invisalign aligners can sometimes enter a ‘refinement’ period of minor tweaks that give you results you’re happy with.

Lasting results you will love

With retainers, following proper treatment, you’re sure to have lasting results you will enjoy for years to come. To book a personal consultation at our York dental practice, speak to our experts today.

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Graphic of reminder notification to wear retainers