Adult braces – How braces can work at any age

You may well identify wearing braces as a predominantly teenage activity. TV shows love to show teenagers having their natural social awkwardness enhanced by a traditional fixed metal brace, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Modern alignment technology has made orthodontic treatment far more discreet and consequently more desirable to adults who don’t fancy drawing attention to their crooked teeth or the corrective alignment work they’re having done.

Here at the Blossom Dental Practice in York, we are seeing more and more patients of varying ages enquiring about the Invisalign braces system we offer. Invisalign is a leading name in discreet tooth straightening and its removable braces are designed to correct a huge number of alignment issues. After approximately 6 to 12 months of wearing clear plastic alignment trays, your teeth will be straight and your smile will be significantly more professional.

Who will Invisalign suit?

  • Teenagers: Are you worried about your son or daughter being teased for wearing traditional braces? Invisalign braces are virtually invisible, so it will be much less likely that your child’s peers will even notice your child is wearing braces.
  • Young professionals: Numerous studies have shown that, whether or not you have straight teeth and a great smile can affect your career prospects. An attractive smile can increase your chances of being hired or promoted at work, so why not make an executive decision to give yourself the best possible professional opportunities?
  • 40s to 50s: Here at our York practice, we’ve noticed an increase in the amount of people in their 40s and 50s who are seeking alignment treatment. This could be due to a desire to do well professionally, have more confidence socially, or the fact that their alignment problems have occurred in recent years. Our teeth naturally move over the years due to repetitive biting and chewing motions. You might find that your once straight teeth have moved out of alignment and you’d like to find out more about how Invisalign braces can turn back the clock and make your teeth straight again.

Whatever your age, you can benefit from Invisalign’s pioneering teeth straightening treatment in York. The braces themselves are removable and constructed from thin, clear plastic. They look like retainers, that fit snugly over the teeth and are often referred to as clear alignment trays. Your trays will be designed to fit your individual teeth and bring them into a more flattering position.

To find out whether you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign braces, please get in touch with our York dental practice to book a free consultation. We’ll examine your mouth, identify your exact alignment issue and use 3-D imaging to design some images that will show you the position of the teeth in your mouth before they’ve moved, as well as their position in your mouth once the alignment treatment is complete.

Impressions will be taken and sent to the Invisalign lab, then your trays will be created. Once they’ve been delivered back to us at our practice, we’ll schedule an appointment with you to fit them; a painless procedure that will begin the alignment process. You’ll be giving the details of your treatment in full during your consultation.

Please get in touch to find out more. You can call us on 01904 653356 or visit our contact page to book a consultation.