Are Dental Implants Painful?

It is a question we’re frequently asked here at our York dental practice, and it’s hardly surprising – on the surface, dental implants look like an invasive process, but they’re actually straightforward, commonly performed and with any resulting pain easily managed. 

The treatment

Dental implants involve preparing the gums ahead of placement, using a small instrument to create a small hole. The tooth implant is then gently but firmly screwed into place, with a temporary crown to use while healing takes place.

Numbing with anaesthetic

We know many potential tooth implant patients will be relieved to hear that an anaesthetic is offered to numb the area during treatment. This helps minimise any pain during the procedure and can help you feel more safe, comfortable and relaxed. While the numbed area might feel strange following treatment, the anaesthetic does wear off within a few hours. In most cases, it won’t affect speech.

Using painkillers

Types of pain relief are always a factor our patients want to discuss with us. In most cases, over-the-counter paracetamol is strong enough to help manage any pain and discomfort. In situations where pain persists or is severe, we ask our patients to get in touch with us right away.

Dental implants aftercare

There is a lot to know about aftercare following your dental implants – that’s why we always give our patients a consultation ahead of treatment. Basic aftercare covers how to clean your dental implants, anything to avoid and any signs to look out for that may indicate a problem. As a rough guide, once healed, you’ll be able to care for your new tooth implants in the same way you care for your natural teeth, but immediately afterwards, you’ll need to be careful around the site and switch to softer foods.

Any questions?

Our private dentists here in York are committed to patient care and dental excellence. We want our patients to feel happy and comfortable about any dental treatment they have with us and will do our utmost to inform you of all elements of your care – even side effects and downtime, should they apply. We also cover a few common dental implant questions in our blogs, so it’s worth checking there for recent posts. Finally, of course, you’re always welcome to call our practice!

Book your dental implant consultation

Get in touch with our friendly receptionists today and secure your consultation with our private dentists. We look forward to working with you to create your dream smile!